Today’s question is…
“Have you ever had a costume fail?”
Oh yes!
Most of them are minor, thankfully, so I’m only going to scan over the “big” ones!
Enchantress – I had a major wig meltdown at ECCC 2011. I just couldn’t get my wig to work with the crown and got super frustrated. I ended up having to wear my Ms Marvel wig which is not what I’d planned on. I finally got it to work for later wearings.
Lady Gaga – The moment I got downstairs in this at Dragoncon 2010, the snaps broke off the hoops. Chase had to tape the hoops to my corset with gaffer’s tape. Ick.

(That’s not a snap on my corset, it’s a big metal sequin. Photo by PixelatedImages)
Arica – The heels of not one but BOTH boots broke within 15 minutes of me putting this on at Dragoncon 2010. I had to shuffle back to the room and take it off.
Ame-Comi Wonder Woman was kind of a fail, because the guy who was supposed to be making my chestpiece, belt, and side-pieces kept assuring us they’d be done in time, right up til the week before Dragoncon when he told us well, no, they won’t be done in time. (And I still haven’t seen them to this day) Chase and I managed to scrape some thing together, which I’m very proud of us for doing, but it’s not really what I had invisioned.
Belle’s Library dress was supposed to be for Con Nooga 2008, but wheN I got there and put it on, the sleeves were all kinds of uneven and wouldn’t stay up. I didn’t even wear it, I changed out of it and into something else, and reworked the sleeves for later.
Utena in 2007’s shoulder pieces didn’t get done in time. They didn’t cure completely, and we had to paint them in the hotel room. They’re probably still sticky to this day. I wasn’t happy at all.
I was wearing my Alex Ross Wonder Woman at a kid’s event, when my chestpiece came loose. It didn’t just fall off or anything – no, only one side came undone and it swung open like a creaky door.

(That pose was an attempt to keep it on.)
The bodypaint I used for Ocha in 2002 was a massive fail. I’ll talk about that when I get to the bodypaint question LOL
My first Padme Lake dress necklace completely fell apart when I re-wore it at Celebration 3. I had to carry the lower half and just hold it up for photos until I made it back to the hotel room to change LOL
The first time I ever had a mishap was my first Utena costume – I used sticky back velcro to keep my shoulder pieces on. I was standing there at my art table talking to someone, and felt it sliding off. Caught it in midair, but it wouldn’t stay on anymore and I had to change.
Does it count as a fail if I made a costume and was so unhappy with it I never wore it again, or didn’t wear it at all? LOL.